Monday, October 25, 2010

Cops shot and critically wounded a knife-wielding young man in upper Manhattan early Sunday - the second police-involved shooting in as many days, police and witnesses said.

21 foot rule now 30 or 31-LEO's and Miliary only

For those that know, and have the training, the current measure is now 30 food or 31 foot, as they're figuring out, probably after incidents and more importantly, a lot more training, it's too close at 21 feet. (NFS!)

Police Follow 21-Foot Shooting Rule

SAINT PAUL, Minn. - It was a split second decision for St. Paul officers Monday night at the Super 8 Motel: shoot, or don't shoot. Police follow a 21-foot rule to make the decision.

Police say the suspect in this case was armed with a heavy utility knife, one in each hand.
He was within just a few strides of the officers.

Use of Deadly Force: Pre-Shooting Conduct and the 21 Foot Rule

A circumstance that officers often face is the suicidal individual who, in essence, holds him or herself hostage. These are difficult cases. While such cases require a police response, officers sometimes are caught between a rock and hard place. Much has been written about the concept of “suicide by cop” but the fact remains that officers are often called to deal with these situations and are expected to prevent the suicide without causing injury or death. At times this is an impossible task. A common denominator that runs through this type of case is an attack on the officer’s tactics in approaching the individual. While at the moment the officer shot, he or she was in danger, the theory is that the officer did something that was tactically incorrect in the approach that contributed to the need to use deadly force.

21 foot rule thoughts by Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr.